how we serve

Programs & Experiences

 Moving From “me” to “wE”

Evolution is a collaborative process. We are meant to work together, just as trees are connected by their roots in the forest.

Elizabeth facilitates inner journey leadership programs and nature-based experiences to deepen connection with self and others.

The art of being: Leadership EVOLUTION Program

With 6 powerful and interactive sessions, we help individuals to fully understand the difference between Doing and Being.


Most of our lives and education have been focused on doing. We reward having the “right answers” at all levels of education and work. Creative solutions are much more expansive than right and wrong. We are meant to value other perspectives.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

In these program sessions, we tap into expanded self awareness through the Power of Pause. We practice through-me Energy Awareness to connect with others and increase impact, and we explore Curiosity vs Knowing to heighten creativity and co-creation at work.

The first session is in-person (2-hours) and we then move to 90-minute virtual gatherings for sessions 2-5. The program ends with a retreat and ceremony that we create together, with options for half-day, full day, or overnight experiences.

Nature-Based Experiences

The truest path to evolution is through spending time in nature with greater awareness of our senses. Elizabeth guides outdoor and inner experiences to connect with sensory intelligence through practices that improve our doing in life and work.


We have everything we need to impact the world positively beyond our wildest imagination, yet we limit ourselves when we don’t create space for listening and responding. Without space, we live and work in fight-or-flight mode which includes high stress, reactivity, exhaustion, dis-ease, and anxiety.


Functional MRI research shows that just 1-2 minutes throughout the day (for 10-minutes total) can change the way we experience the world and the way others experience us. Short and powerful practices can help us move from reacting to responding, from stress to calm, and from doing to being.


The beauty is, we aren’t adding another thing to do. We are using the time we already have to improve the way we are working.